============================================================================== Simba Athena JDBC Driver with SQL Connector Release Notes ============================================================================== The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, known issues, and workflow changes in Simba Athena JDBC Driver 2.0.6, as well as the version history. 2.0.6 ======================================================================== Released 2018-11-07 Enhancements & New Features * [AJ-124] SAML authentication using AD FS The driver now supports SAML authentication, and can retrieve and use credentials from an AD FS (Active Directory Federation Services) credential provider. Additionally, to support authentication workflows where the retrieved credentials must be exchanged for more specialized AWS credentials, the driver provides a post-SAML workflow hook. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [AJ-162] Optimized and configurable polling intervals for query results When a query is being executed, the driver now polls the Athena server for the query results at an exponentially changing rate. The driver begins polling 5ms after query execution begins, and exponentially increases the polling interval to the amount of time indicated by the MaxQueryExecutionPollingInterval property setting. This change in polling behavior reduces the load on the server. Additionally, you can now specify the maximum polling interval. To do this, set the MaxQueryExecutionPollingInterval property to the maximum number of milliseconds that you want the driver to wait between polling attempts. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [AJ-164] Improved logging for query timeout errors If a query times out, the driver now logs and reports the query ID in the error message that is returned. Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Athena JDBC Driver 2.0.6. * [AJ-156][AJ-157] In some cases, when attempting to execute a long query statement, the driver fails to execute the query and returns a StackOverflowError message. This issue has been resolved. Before, this issue occurred due to a limitation in the regex library. Workflow Changes ============================================================= The following changes may disrupt workflows from earlier versions. 2.0.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Removed support for JDBC 4.0 As of this release, the driver no longer supports JDBC 4.0. Please refer to the release notes item "Jackson library updated" in the "Enhancements & New Features" section of this release for more details. 2.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * SDK interfaces The following AWS SDK interfaces are no longer shaded in the driver jar, they are included with the original AWS SDK package names. Any custom credential providers that use the old shaded package names for these interfaces must be updated. - com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials - com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider - com.amazonaws.auth.AWSSessionCredentials - com.amazonaws.auth.AWSSessionCredentialsProvider Version History ============================================================== 2.0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Released 2018-08-15 Resolved Issues The following issue was resolved in Simba Athena JDBC Driver 2.0.5. * [AJ-145] The cursor for result set streaming can become blocked, causing the application to stop responding, when the application attempts to move the cursor two or more rows beyond the actual table size. 2.0.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Released 2018-07-10 Enhancements & New Features * [AJ-121] Support for resultset streaming API The driver now supports the AWS resultset streaming API. This can be toggled on or off with the UseResultsetStreaming configuration option. See the Installation and Configuration Guide for details. 2.0.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Released 2018-06-15 Resolved Issues The following issues were resolved in Simba Athena JDBC Driver 2.0.3. * [AJ-129] When returning the results of a DatabaseMetadata.getColumns() API call, the driver does not return partition column names. * [AJ-136] The driver does not return the VIRTUAL_VIEW table type when getTableTypes() is called, and as a result some applications cannot query tables of this type. 2.0.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Released 2018-04-06 Enhancements & New Features * Improved AWS Glue workflow AWS Glue availability detection logic now calls an API in Glue to speed up detection logic. If the API fails, the driver falls back to the original method. * Jackson library updated The driver now uses Jackson library version 2.9.5 because of the security vulnerabilities reported against the earlier versions of the library. Because Jackson libraries 2.9.5 support Java 1.7 and higher, the JDBC driver is offered for JDBC API 4.1 and 4.2, but not for JDBC API 4.0, which requires JDK 6. JDK 6 and Java 1.6 are not supported by Jackson 2.9.5. * Array type support The driver now supports returning ResultSet data as an Array. This is configured using the UseArraySupport configuration option. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. Resolved Issues The following issue has been resolved in Simba Athena JDBC Driver 2.0.2. * When the driver executes a query containing comments, it incorrectly returns a row-count result set. 2.0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Released 2018-03-14 Enhancements & New Features * Support for CHAR and FLOAT data types The driver now supports CHAR and FLOAT data. Resolved Issues The following issues were resolved in Simba Athena JDBC Driver 2.0.1. * When the driver executes a query containing Common Table Expression (CTE) syntax, it incorrectly returns a row-count result set. * In the connection URL, if the Host or Catalog properties end with a backslash ( / ), the driver returns an error. 2.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Released 2018-02-02 Enhancements & New Features * AWS STS library The AWS STS library is now bundled with the driver as a shaded jar file. * Configuration option aliases Aliases have been added for some configuration options. Recognized options include: - s3_staging_dir: alias for S3OutputLocation - query_results_encryption_option: alias for S3OutputEncOption - query_results_aws_kms_key: alias for S3OutputEncKMSKey - aws_credentials_provider_class: alias for AwsCredentialsProviderClass - aws_credentials_provider_arguments: alias for AwsCredentialsProviderArguments - max_error_retries: alias for MaxErrorRetry - connection_timeout (time in milliseconds): alias for ConnectTimeout (time in seconds) - socket_timeout (time in milliseconds): alias for SocketTimeout (time in seconds) If a conflict occurs, the driver setting takes precedence over the alias. See the Installation and Configuration Guide for full details. * Improved class loading The driver and data source can now be loaded using the same class name for any JDBC version. The new class names are com.simba.athena.jdbc.Driver and com.simba.athena.jdbc.DataSource. Old class names continue to work. * Updated driver identification details The DatabaseMetadata.getDatabaseProductName() call now returns "AWS.Athena". The DatabaseMetadata.getDriverName() now returns "Simba Athena JDBC Driver". The driver now populates UserAgentPrefix within the Athena SDK. The prefix is "sbAthenaJDBCDriver/DRIVER_VERSION", where DRIVER_VERSION is the major.minor version of the driver. For example, this release of the driver would use the UserAgentPrefix "sbAthenaJDBCDriver/2.0". * Endpoint handling You can now pass an endpoint in the form "athena.[REGION].amazonaws.com: 443;" in the connection string, instead of specifying the region using the AWSRegion configuration option. The region is parsed out of this endpoint and used to connect to Athena and Glue services. If an endpoint and AWSRegion are present in the connection string the AWSRegion takes precedence. * Column name handling The driver right-trims the column names when using the JDBC getColumns API call. This only applies when the driver uses a query to get the metadata for AWS regions that don’t support Glue or haven’t been upgraded to use Glue. * AWS SDK support The driver now uses AWS SDK version 1.11.271. * Jackson support The driver now uses Jackson version 2.9.4. The JDBC 4 version of the driver still uses jackson-databind- as newer versions are not compatible with JDK 1.6. Resolved Issues The following issue was resolved in Simba Athena JDBC Driver 2.0.0. * The precision and scale for integer type columns in the ResultSetMetaData of the getColumns JDBC API call are both 1. This has been resolved. The correct values, 10 and 0 respectively, have been implemented. ==============================================================================